Sometimes i question the reason behind our very existence. Do we
really live to die? Why did a two day old baby have to die? Why did he
come in the first day? To spend two days?
Someone once told me he couldn't fathom why he chose to be born in
Nigeria. Could we really have chosen where we were born? Sometimes i
wonder why those who work so hard earn so little. Someone once said
"the more you sweat the less you earn".
It baffles me how greedy people can be. How insensitive we can be to
others' needs, how uncaring we can be about our brothers' welfare. We
see and look the other way, we amass and gather only to surrender all
willingly or otherwise at death's feet.
There are things i yet do not understand about fate...who decides
it?where was it decided? The man who say he's destined to be forever
poor what was he doing when such fate was bestowed on him? Oh! Maybe
its a lottery kind of arrangement sha! Maybe you don't have a say what
fate you get.
There is little i understand about the way of the world. Why are our
wants unlimited? Why do another want crop up the instant one is met?
Are we made only to satisfy wants? I do not understand why some things
just don't want to be. You run at it,work at it,pray for it, you wish
for it, hope for it, do everything right to get it,yet it forever
eludes you.
Some are born into wealth,many create it, some steal it ,some chase it
for a lifetime, others stumble on it, many desire it, but only some
acquire it.
We wake, we work and sleep...then wake again and work then sleep
again...oblivious of our fading life. We chase, we run and strife, in
the end we find its only a vain shadow.
I have heard it a thousand times, but only now as i write do i truly
believe: a life lived for others is 'the life'.
dats life 4 u
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