Obamacare's individual mandate has been upheld, as
a tax, in a 5-4 decision by the United States Supreme
The Supreme Court's historic decision to uphold the
Obamacare health-sector law will boost a continued
push by progressives to expand the government's
role in economic and social regulation — and poses a
major setback to the GOP's ongoing campaign for
smaller government.
The court's 5-4 decision effectively accepts liberal
claims that the federal government has the legal
authority to tax Americans to buy goods and
services, including health insurance.
The decision may boost acceptance of the unpopular
and expensive law among non-ideological swing
A shift in public opinion may aid President Barack
Obama's path to re-election, despite the stalled
economy and high unemployment.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has
promised to replace the unpopular law, which is
likely to boost government spending, boost health-
care costs and restrict Americans' choices.
"If it is deemed to stand … we'll have to have a
president, and I'm that one, that's gonna get rid of
Obamacare," Romney promised June 26 at a
campaign stop in Salem, Va.
Congressional Republicans will likely use the court's
decision to promote a series of laws that reduce
government control of the health sector.
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